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Car Park Repairs (Part 2) The Solution

“We have noticed a significant shift in our business demands”

Following our previous blog (Car Park Repairs - Part 1 - The Problem), we explained how we have noticed a significant shift in our business demands from new car parks to car park repairs. The shift comes from multiple factors, inevitably due to the age of car parks now within the region but more often than not, due to a failure to maintain and prevent common damages from spreading.

Shifting Demand

In this blog, we aim to provide an insight into measures that are available in order to control the spread of corrosion and carry out permanent repairs, rather than the common approach of temporary repairs that have lifespans of approximately 6 -> 12 months and fail to provide the corrective solution to the root cause.

These common fixes are what can be called a band-aid over an open wound…

“Band Aids over open wounds”

We use the above term on many occasions during our site visits with clients. Temporary, low cost solutions found can be compared to a band aid over open wounds as they are considered an acceptable solution from a visual perspective – to showcase that a repair has been carried out, but often last around six months to one year. Often the solution sold to the client is a low cost cementitious mortar, regularly promoted as a more commercially competitive solution but not necessarily the required technical solution. These solutions can’t necessarily be condemned, however, following our last blog, we have a duty of integrity to ensure the client is receiving the correct solution to repair the root cause, stopping the issue and not just a short-term fix from a cosmetic change in appearance, ultimately protecting the property by safely securing the problem.

“We have a duty of integrity to ensure the client is receiving the correct solution to repair the root cause”

It is highly important that all defective or failed concrete is removed, including areas that are not only visual. This essential step is very commonly overlooked with low cost, technically poor solutions, often with the aim to keep costs to a minimum.

Dual function, PU injection resins are designed and installed for restoring the strength and integrity of the structural elements in cracked concrete. Using X-Inject Stop N Seal we stop water leaks, seal cracks, joints, cavities and voids rehabilitating the structure in terms of both its functional efficiency and service lifetime.

The corroded rebar needs to be fully exposed and cleaned by wire brush or light grind to remove rust then treated with X-Roc GalZinc , a single component zinc rich anti-corrosion epoxy primer to extend the life of repairs made to reinforcement steel within the concrete. Otherwise corroded rebar will continue to spread.

All local excavations are primed using X-Prime MT100, a high performance moisture tolerant primer and sealer suitable for wide range of epoxy coatings

Primed excavations are filled using X-Tech EpoxyFloor SLU, a high strength load bearing self-leveling base layer, consisting of special resins and graded aggregates formulated to withstand chemical attacks and severe impacts.

Next, we will install the Margel VPI 580, Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitor

Margel VPI 580, a patented vapour phase corrosion inhibitor is inserted inside the concrete structure close to the reinforcing steel. The product has been specifically developed to ensure the corrosion inhibitors are released over a period of 12 months. This results in a well bonded layer of corrosion inhibitor around the reinforcing steel resulting in a passivated protective layer that blocks chloride, water and oxygen that can last up to 20 years.

After setting of the EpoxyFloor SLU, the repaired area must receive surface preparation by way of a mechanical grinder to match the existing levels, leaving a smooth, seamless fathered finish.

The smooth and level surface is then ready to receive the final application of X-Prime MT100 with two coats of X-Tech EpoxySeal FLR 100, a chemical resistant, low viscosity Epoxy Floor Coating. Smooth or Anti-Slip finishes as per the client or design requirements are possible with the inclusion of X-Tech ASG aggregate, broadcasted directly on to the wet epoxy coating, providing the anti-slip grains.

Finally, all line marking can be matched by marrying into existing using X-Tech LMP, a fast cure. single component, hardwearing line marking paint.

We commonly find clients taking advantage of this opportunity to modify the existing parking facilities and accommodate a change of use, for example, incorporating new designated electrical parking bays or VIP bays, improving the facility for stakeholders and end users.

Credits to our Material Supplier, X-Calibur Emirates LLC

Commonly Used Materials:

  • X-Roc GalZinc

  • X-Prime MT100

  • X-Tech EpoxyFloor SLU

  • X-Tech EpoxySeal FLR 100

  • X-Tech LMP

  • X-Tech ASG aggregate

  • Margel VPI 580

Thank you!

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